World Refugee Day 2023 Lloydminster
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June 20th is designated as World Refugee Day by the United Nations. This day is set aside to celebrate the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. The theme for 2023 is “Hope away from home. A world where refugees are always included,” and focuses on the power of inclusion and solutions for refugees.
Social inclusion is about feeling accepted, being treated with respect and valued. It also includes the ability to participate in and benefit from society. Three elements contribute to social inclusion:
- social connection to family, school, work, religious organizations and community groups,
- social capital which is the resources available to an individuals based on the people in their social networks
- civic engagement which entails being involved in the affairs of community or society.
Share your message of hope with a newcomer who had to flee their home and start a new life in Lloydminster by clicking on the attached document.